The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Fri, 22 Nov 2019 01:02:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 EMPTY SHELVES Fri, 22 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +0000

ONCE they held
Whatever was deemed

NOW they are emptied

THEY worlded Memories
of what Was
But More
What Hallowedly WAS

Can’t ever be fully photographed
and yet
never has to be
What never has to be

Empty Shelves
are never fully empty
and what habitats them
can’t be seen
so much as
f e l t

for an ever

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E M P T Y Wed, 07 Mar 2018 12:00:14 +0000 images

Have you ever run on Empty?

How far have you been willing to push it?

Have you ever run just past Empty?

Had you walking, didn’t it.       .       .   ?

.            .            .or at least furiously texting or calling to get

r         e         s        c         u        e        d

unless that tank isn’t a gas tank.         .         .

Is   Your

E    m    p    a    t    h    y           T    a    n    k

running   low?

There’s research out of the University of Michigan led by Sara H. Konrath and Published in Personality and Social Psychology Review, 

which  contends that  our  empathy has declined  significantly  over  the  past  thirty plus  years.       .       .

S          H          O          C          K          I           N          G  ?

Since the creation of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index in 1979, tens of thousands of students have filled out this questionnaire while participating in studies examining everything from neural responses to others’ pain to levels of social conservatism.  Ms. Konrath and her colleagues took advantage of his wealth of data by collating self-reported empathy scores of nearly 14,000 students.  She then used a technique known as cross-temporal meta-analysis to measure whether scores have changed over the years.  The results were startling:

ALMOST 75% of students today

rate  themselves  as  less  empathic  than  the  average  student  30  years  ago!

W            O            W

You  want  to  hear  the  good  news?

The shared belief is that

IF      EMPATHY      CAN      CHANGE.       .        .

IF      IT      CAN      DECLINE.       .       .

IT     CAN

I              N              C               R              E              A              S              E   !

Have you ever run on empty?

Have you ever run past empty?

How far have you ever been willing to push it?

What’s sapped your empathy the most?

What’s dried up your empathy the fastest?

What’s fueled your empathy?

What fills up your empathy tank the fastest?

When’s the last time you felt it for another?

What were the circumstances?

The quickest way to RE – FILL?

The studies say:

READ  Fiction

WATCH  a  Movie

TOUCH  a  Hand

LET  A  HAND  TOUCH  YOURS.       .       .

Fill’er UP

(o f t e n)

BEFORE      YOU      GO      RUNNING

E                 M                 P                 T                 Y

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