The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Fri, 15 Sep 2017 00:18:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 PURPOSE’d Fri, 15 Sep 2017 11:00:32 +0000 l

We’ve all heard

A     B     O     U     T          I     T

Before.     .     .


We may all have heard  about it

.        .        .maybe even believe it to be

.        .        .Maybe even have experienced it

like I did recently

with what some would call a

c o i n c i d e n c e


an  a c c i d e n t

others, still:


A fulfilled-never-doubt-it’s existence-ever-again

LAW   OF   ATTRACTION.        .        .

I was to meet someone to discuss plans for an upcoming Memorial Service for his mother and he canceled at the last moment when I was already at ‘the meeting place.’   Instead of just heading home, I decided on the fly to just go across the street to get dinner since no one was at home.

A table for one

I was sat at

beside another occupied

table of one.     .     .

She was talking on her phone, sipping from her martini glass and eating from her salad plate all at the same time.        .         .

From the

E         A         S         E         D         R         O         P         P         E         D

sound  of  it–

She was making funeral arrangements as well for her father.     .     .

When she hung up the phone she looked over a my table less than two feet away and remarked,

WOW, we’re eating and drinking the same thing,”

I smiled over at her and said,

“I hope your’s taste as good as mine,”

.         .          .now this is where it gets eerily interesting:

I began,

“Listen, I don’t mean to be rude, but I couldn’t help but hearing what sounded like you making funeral arrangements for your father.  I’m really sorry.”

“Yes.  It’s been a mess trying to get everything together and planned.  I have two sisters but we don’t get along that well; they’re both from out of town and I’ve been hear taking care of him.  I’m just trying to make everything as nice as he deserves.”

“I do well over 20 funerals a month and I can tell you that it’s really normal for people not to get along at a time like this.  It’s true–It brings out our best and sometimes, mostly, our worst.”

“Where do you do the funerals?”

“Well mostly in this general area, but I also do some in Lorain County, too.  There are a lot of people who may not have a Church home, but deserve a true celebration of their lives and that’s where I’m able to come in and help.”

She named the funeral home and day they were planning to do the Memorial Service for her father.       .        .Wednesday.        .        .

“Wednesday night, at 7:00?  I finished her sentence.        .        .

“Oh my God!  You’re the guy who’s doing my dad’s service!  I can’t believe this!”

“Yes.        .        .I’m sorry”

“Are you kidding me?  This is the greatest thing that could have ever happened to me tonight.  Ever since my dad died in the hospital a couple of days ago I’ve carried this deep pain and grief and now.       .       .”

t        e        a        r        s

“And now for the first time, I feel peace, I mean peace I’ve never felt before–ever!  It’s like he just sat down beside me right here, right now to let me know that everything’s going to be alright.”

“Everything is alright.       .       .”

“I can’t believe this.     .     .no one will ever believe this.     .     .what are the chances out of all the places either of us can be, WE ARE HERE, sitting right next to each other planning the celebration of my dad’s life especially since you were suppose to meet someone else about their mother’s service across the street?”

“I don’t believe in accidents or coincidences.  Everything’s on purpose; you believe that don’t you?”

“How can’t I?”

Well.        .        .

Do  You?

I don’t know the real definition of


but I do know there’s an unnamed

an unnoticed

Caring    Catalyst    Concept:

When you truly Care

When you’re truly Compassionate

You’ll need no GPS

You’ll need no gyroscope

You’ll need no compass

You’ll need no road map

You’ll need no AAA Trip-Tick

You’ll  SHOW  UP

not where you planned

not where you’re directed

but  where  you’re  needed.         .        .

such is the Caring Catalyst Concept.         .         .

a guarantee

more sure than a heart beat

and closer than your next breath.       .       .



assures it.          .         .

See you at a table for one


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