The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Mon, 05 Jun 2017 01:24:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 EMPATHETIC-ED Wed, 07 Jun 2017 11:00:56 +0000  


Have you?

Have you ever been EMPATHETIC-ED?

I mean.    .    .

the The New York Times. . .T W I C E  in the Sunday, July 12, 2015 edition (See at the Bottom of the Blog)

Stewart Butterfield’s article,


actually states:

“If you have no ability to empathize, then it’s difficult to give people feedback, and it’s difficult to help people improve.  Everything becomes harder.”

Daryl Cameron’s article: EMPATHY IS ACTUALLY A CHOICE, reports:

“It’s not that you can’t feel it.  You just don’t want to.”

Something like

e m p a t h y 

should never come down to

S  c  i  e  n  c  e, 

but what could actually offer more proof?

Decades of research, including behavioral studies, in which people act empathically in controlled situations, even when it’s in their self-interest not to,

and in MRI studies,

in which emotive brain structures activate when the subject hears about another person’s experience.

Let’s face it, it it weren’t for

E      M      P      A      T      H      Y

Authors and Hollywood would be out of business

.      .      .F O R E V E R

But.     .     .it doesn’t matter,  does it?


tells us, there are mental disorders, such as sociopathy, that stops people from being able to feel empathy.

BUT.     .     .

most people aren’t sociopaths.

Some research suggests that 4% of the population is sociopathic.       .       .

I’m terrible at Math.      .      .

but even I know that would obviously mean 96% of all humans feel empathy.      .      .

a pretty large number, huh?

What.         .         .

what does it matter?

If you’ve truly been

E  M  P  A  T  H  E  T  I  C – E  D

It means you care in return.    .    .

or you fake it.     .     .

or.       .       .

you   can’t   feel  it   all.   .   .   .


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