The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Wed, 03 Aug 2016 01:17:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 Just 20 Seconds Wed, 03 Aug 2016 11:00:18 +0000 Unknown

T W E N T Y     S E C O N D S

What can you do in just a mere

T W E N T Y       S E C O N D S  



Deep Breathe

Order a Meal

Add a few songs from a Spotify Playlist

Gift someone an Album

Donate to a Charity

Get a mini work out in

Book a Cleaning

Boost your mood by reading an inspirational quote

Set a Tiny goal

Pay your credit card bill

Find a restaurant and book a reservation

Schedule a hair appointment

Change your Facebook relationship status

Send an Error report

Check in on your sleep quality

Take and upload a Selfie

Text Anyone

Set a fantasy football lineup

Update our to-do list

Order alcohol to your front door with an app


in  just  a  mere

T W E N T Y        S E C O N D S


Someone can actually tell in a mere twenty seconds

if you are really

C  o  m  p  a  s  s  i  o  n  a  t  e

According to a new study out of the University of California, Berkley, a person can in

t w e n t y     s e c o n d s

tell if you are a compassionate person

by the way you have more open body language

eye contact

head nods

and  smiling.

Imagine walking into a lab

and are shown a series of 20-second video clips

In each clip, a different person is listening to someone else speaking.

You can’t  hear the conversation,

there’s no sound to the clip

but you’re told that the speaker is talking  a time

when he or she suffered.   .   .

S      E      R      I      O      U      S      L      Y

Do you listen with your whole body?

(Literally, turn your whole body towards the person who’s speaking to you)

Do you make soft eye contact?

(Literally, not staring a person down but looking at a person full in their face; eyes, mouth, forehead)

Do you offer simple connecting gestures?

(Literally, smiling, nodding your head, and ‘uh-huh-ing’ without interrupting the speaker)

These three simple steps, the researchers tell us,

are simple but not always easy to do

when we’re distracted, busy or stressed out ourselves.

It takes just a mere

T W E N T Y        S E C O N D S

and it’s a great reminder that there’s no

wait time

not even a second

for compassion to spontaneously arise.

When we have the

i    n    t    e    n    t    i    o    n

to experience

and offer

c o m p a s s i o n

we can make choices–even small ones

like how to make eye contact

that can lead to

authentic compassion

The Ba-Zillion Dollar Question:

W  I  L  L       Y  O  U  ?

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