The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Wed, 19 Apr 2017 01:03:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 Compassion 101 Wed, 19 Apr 2017 11:00:49 +0000

T   H   E   Y

.       .       .say that Class is always in Session,

but it really does make a difference

as to which one,

doesn’t it?

C          O          M        P          A          S          S          I          O          N          1  0  1 : 

The   understanding   and   application   of   what   it   means   to

S        u        f        f        e        r               W        I        T       H” 

a      n      o      t      h      e      r ;

to learn and then to apply

the feeling that arises

when one is confronted with another’s suffering

and likewise

t         h          e          n

being motivated to relieve that suffering

in a single distinct

or varied ways.        .        .

Are      you      signing      up?

Is         it         required


D   O       Y   O   U       N   E   E   D       IT ?

What   would   your   final   project   include?

Would you


Up until now,

not a whole lot


 s     c     i      e     n     t     i     f     i     c     a     l     l     y 

known about our potential

or possibility to actually create compassion—

the emotional state of caring for people

who are suffering in a way

that motivates a more caring behavior for others.

W     E     L     L            .           .

Researchers at the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds

at the Waisman Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison

actually proves that people can become more compassionate.

T       h       e       y 

had the  SPECIMENS  practice compassion,

first on a loved one,

then someone like a friend,

and then for themselves

and then someone they actually had past conflict with

like a troublesome co-worker.

T h e y 

actually   surmised   that   people   can   actually   build   up   their

c     o     m     p     a     s     s     i     o     n           m     u     s     c     l     e 

and respond to other’s suffering

with care and a sincere desire to help;

So.          .         .

I   F

you are in particular need of some training

or at least a good refresher

you can actually go to the

Center for Investigating Healthy Minds 

website and Compassion on UP.        .        .

O    R

we   could   just   actually   be   more   compassionate.         .         .

on our own.         .         .

on purpose.         .         .



Dare to assume,


actually on purpose,



‘that every person you have contact with,

every day

on every occasion

just actually might be having the worst day of their lives.        .        .

Seriously, if you treated every person that way–

as if they were having their worst day,

suffered a terrible loss,

found out horrific personal news–

you don’t think you would be more compassionate

and that in fact,

they wouldn’t severely benefit?

It’ll cost you little

to hold a door,

pick up a dropped piece of paper or book,

compliment a hairstyle or a pair of glasses,

a shirt,

pay for the cup of coffee for the one behind you,

throw a quarter in the parking meter,

pass a tissue,

wash a car windshield

or being as anonymously creative as you can let yourself imagine.        .        .

Hmmmmmmm of the day:

Y O U     W I L L     F E E L     B E T T E R      A N D     B E N E F I T !


There’s a study to prove it

.            .            . or you can actually find out on your own;

Don’t decide to be more Compassionate.      .      .

Just one person,

one act,

one deed at a time,

d o      i t .

And then.     .     .

just better yourself,

beat your own record every day,

by doing  just one more kind act than yesterday.        .         .

W          O          W

Look at that Compassion Muscle,

F          l          e           x  !


See you at the Blackboard, Class


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