The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Thu, 26 Jan 2017 01:16:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 The Other PERCENT Wed, 01 Feb 2017 12:00:25 +0000 images-3


we don’t have to be Mathematicians

to know about Percentages, do we?

It makes us ask some fairly significant

UN-Mathematic Questions:

Is  “G O O D      E N O U G H,”

g o o d   e n o u g h ?

O           U           C           H

of the day just might be to actually take the time to consider the

99.9%’s of our lives and how

T  H  E  Y        J   U   S   T        A   R   E   N  ‘  T       G   O   O   D        E   N   O   U   G   H:

* The IRS would lose 2 million documents this year

* 22,000 checks will be deducted from the wrong bank account in the next hour

* Telecommunications companies will misdirect 1, 314 telephone calls every minute

* 2,4800 books will be shipped with the wrong covers on them each day

* More than 5.5 million cases of soft drinks in the next year will be flat

* 20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions will be written each year

* 12 babies will be given to the wrong parents each day

Uhhhhh, being  GOOD ENOUGH

is just not being  GOOD ENOUGH

any way you add, subtract, multiply or divide the percentages.

How about we switch it up a little.


 by not giving our 99.9%

What  ONE  POSITIVE  THING  could possibly happen if

F  O  R  E  V  E  R

we actually just gave our .1% of Compassion–FULLY–

U N D I L U T E D ?

Seriously, if a little bad can destroy a lot of good. . .


Pssssssst: Here’s the things about Percentages–

They’re meant to be challenged and yes, surpassed;

When it comes to DOING GOOD, the numbers seldom add up.      .      .

Most Compassionate Acts of Kindness never do.       .       .

Love  THOSE  Odds!


g  o  o  d       e  n  o  u  g  h ?

No. . .

Concentrated Compassion

is better.       .       .


The   O T H E R    P E R C E N T

n e v e r   l i e s !

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