The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Thu, 11 Jan 2018 00:48:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 What’ll STOP You ? Fri, 12 Jan 2018 12:00:15 +0000

What is it?


What slows you down.          .          .

What   DELAYS  YOU ?

What makes you proceed with caution.        .       .

What   redirects   you

What’ll discourage you.          .          .

What will dampen you resolve.        .        .

What will end your quest.          .          .

Interesting questions, huh?

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to deter us.          .          .

It doesn’t have to be a sign

or a natural or unnatural disaster.            .          .

Sometimes it can just be as random as a

thin sliver of metal

That’s what about did me in

on the way to Church

knowing that I not only needed to get there in time

to Lead Worship/Preach

but to hurry out and go do a funeral some 40 miles away

to hurry across town to do another funeral

so a flat tire was not in my plans.          .          .

s e l d o m

are bad things.          .           .


When bad things happen

G O O D       P E O P L E       S H O W       U P

Two   kind   Caring   Catalysts

Steve and Craig were both at Church early that morning

and when I told them of my woe

and even bigger woe of not finding a place that was open

to either fix the tire or buy a new one

E V E R Y T H I N G       W A S       C L O S E D

Steve was going to throw the not-so-effective


and Craig had a better idea of going to a local AUTO ZONE

and put a tire patch on the leak

just as fast as he bought the kit

and I was happily down the road

without a bump or a burp.       .       .

my biggest problem:

GETTING.          .          .

I  don’t   G E T  so  good

a compliment or a fixed tire.          .          .

who thought it wouldn’t be the flat tire

and the

FIXING      OF      IT

would be less of a problem

than my


of      having      it      done.        .        .

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.          .         .

what does it say

That   K I N D N E S S

though severely appreciated

would keep me

S      T     O     P          M   E

humble me to a

s c r e e c h i n g

h a l t i n g.          .         .

The Living Sermon

from Steve and Craig

that Sunday Morning

was to teach me

A            G           A             I            N 

wasn’t   to   prove.       .       .

to shame me in knowing

my huge ugly-pimple-of-a-flaw

of not being a good RECEIVER

a GOOD-GETTER.        .        .

No.   .   .No.   .   .NO.          .          .

the   lesson

t o    j u s t 

G                   E                   T  

b  e  t  t  e  r

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