The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Sun, 28 Nov 2021 00:03:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 SNAP SHOTTED Fri, 03 Dec 2021 12:00:57 +0000

11 years ago I was standing in the hallway at Malachi House,
a beautiful Sanctuary for the terminally ill
and after visiting a patient I saw this picture.
I was interested by it
and it also reminded me of a good friend, Michael Reardon,
who travels the world portraying the gospels
And actually becoming the living Word
making it become flesh
in front of all of his audiences and friends,
so I snapped a picture from my
Iphone and the picture I took
and the picture I saw
were two different ones.           .          .
Most of the time they
are, huh?
I loved the fact that without trying to
‘snap’ this shot,
I got quite another one that my
mind’s eye
never imagined and now,
my soul
won’t forget!
How very, very telling
and more,
humbly fitting.            .            .
And now here we are
11 years later
because it popped up on a memory from a Facebook post
it lets me relive that moment
and rekindle that friendship
all over again.

It also remind me
that we are so very much more
in the snap shots
that we take
remembered from a single incident
that makes up our lives.

What snapshot in your life comes in the view from a day ago 10 years ago maybe even 20 that’s more alive right now than maybe what it was when the picture was first taken?

Snap away.
Share those of your life
since they become a part of another’s life as well.        .       .
At its best
that is the purest definition of living
and never just having
L            I             V            E            D

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