The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Mon, 17 Apr 2017 01:18:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 W H E N Mon, 17 Apr 2017 11:00:54 +0000

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines

S            U            C            C            E            S            S

a s

:  the fact of getting or achieving



or fame

:  the correct or desired result of an attempt

:  someone or something that is successful

: a person or thing that succeeds

I love

.           .         .like I hope you just did what these kids

3 – 11 had to say about success and happiness

We’ve long know that kids

have a way of saying the darndest things

but there’s only ever one definition about

  s         u         c         c         e         s         s

that matters :

Y       O       U       R       S

W     h     a     t

s      a      y

y          o          u  ?

When have you felt the happiest?

When did you feel like you were the most successful?

When did you feel at your wealthiest?

When did the

 k               i               d

 in you last peek out to see

if the coast was clear to just

p           l           a           y ?

When was the last time you played the game,

WHAT      WOULD      YOU      RATHER      BE ?

When was the last time that you

L          I          V          E          D                I     T   ?

When was the last time it mattered?

.             .             . w   h   e   n .             .             .     ?

Merriam-Webster defines many things

.           .           .but never

m    e


y   o   u 

.            .            .n       e       v       e       r !

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