The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Wed, 19 Jul 2017 21:16:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 Statistically Speaking Fri, 21 Jul 2017 11:00:17 +0000

Here’s what I know about  Statistics:

I    don’t    want    to    know    about    Statistics.       .       .

Even    when    I’m    trying

not     to     be     a     Statistic

it      makes      me      O  N  E.             .            .

A          N          D

for some odd reason

we care

we worry

we organize

we itemize

we calculate

we add

we subtract

we multiple

we divide

we fraction

we integer

ourselves into a frenzy

that the best cocktail of anti-anxiety pills

couldn’t begin to reach



or eliminate.          .          .

let alone figure out

the probability

the analytics

that 1   +   1

will never equal 3

even though it continually

has shown that its tantamount of that

and so very much more.     .     .

Hmmmmmmmmmm of the Day:

What are the odds

The Percentages

we’ll ever really figure

I    T

o          u          t.            .            .

Psssssssssssssssst   of  the  Day:

L  O  W

if any at all.          .          .

If that doesn’t French Fry

your Baked Potato

(which   already   statistically   out-chromosomes   us)

nothing will.            .            .

add   t h a t   up

Being   a  Caring Catalyst

doesn’t eliminate

New  Math

or any form of analytics 

or statistics

it   just   doesn’t   get   bogged   down   in   stopping

what   a   Caring   Catalyst   does   best:

C            A            R            E

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