The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Tue, 19 Apr 2022 16:33:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 The Road To Happiness Mon, 25 Apr 2022 11:00:54 +0000

Are you as happy as you want to be? Does everyone else’s life seem perfect? And yours…well, not so much? Many of us tie our happiness to external factors…or feel on the short-end of the stick when comparing our lives to those of other people. But, sometimes, appearances can be deceiving. In fact, freeing ourselves from perfection can be one of the keys to being happy with who we are.
T     R     U     T     H:
If you can’t find happiness inside yourself, you’ll never find it in the outside world, no matter where you move. Wherever you go, there you are. You take yourself with you. This is the essence of happiness—learning to find inner contentment in any situation.
H  I  N  T:
If you truly want to find a little HAPPINESS
try just giving a smidgin’ of it
to Someone
and you’ll be amazed that the Ripple you begin
will come
Crashing back on your Shore, too.        .        .
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A Better Place Mon, 08 May 2017 11:00:32 +0000

Are you in a

B E T T E R       P L A C E

because of

S        O        M        E        O        N        E 


created it

and put


in the

heart of

T       H       A       T

v   e   r   y

B  E  T  T  E  R      P L A C E

Maybe the biggest question:

Are you the

s              o              l              e

r e a s o n

S         O         M         E         O         N         E




b  e  t  t  e  r       p  l  a  c  e ?

I’ll tell the world, I’ll sing a song,

It’s a better place since you came along    

Your touch is sunlight

through the trees

Your kisses are the ocean breeze

Everything’s alright when you’re with me

And I hold my favorite thing

I hold the love that you bring

But it feels like I’ve opened my eyes again

And the colors are golden and bright again

There’s a song in my heart, I feel like I belong

It’s a better place since you came along

I see the whole world in your eyes

It’s like I’ve known you all my life

We just feel so right

So I pour my heart into your hands

It’s like you really understand

You love the way I am.     .     .

Maybe if we were to sit across from

e     a     c     h ‘ s

o          t          h          e          r    

and do nothing

n  o  t     o  n  e     t  h  i  n  g

but just look

into one another’s

e   y   e   s

we’d not just see

those we love

d i f f e r e n t l y.            .            .

I               M               A               G               I               N               E

if we were to sit

across from those

who have

hurt us

disappointed us

mocked us

disrespected us

intentionally went out of their ways

to feel each of those things

in utterly devastating ways

countless times

o                     v                     e                     r

would it be the same kind of


or even more

l         i         f         e

c          h          a          n          g          i          n          g   ?

Dare   to   find   out.          .          .

u        n        b        l        i        n        k        i        n        g        l        y ?

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