The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Wed, 22 Mar 2017 01:11:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 The Magical Capsule Wed, 22 Mar 2017 11:00:27 +0000 images-3

If you could change your life forever,

just by taking a

S      P      E      C      I      A      L

Capsule a day.          .          .

What would be in it?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,   N  O.         .         .

We’re not talking about any special concoctions of potions

or that you could pick up at drug store with a prescription,

or worse–on the street.           .           .

NO.        .        .

what would you Capsule up to bring you

H a p p i n e s s
S a t i s f a c t i o n
C o n t e n t m e n t
W o r t h
E n t i t l e m e n t
F u l f i l l m e n t
P  e  a c e
C o n f i d e n c e?

I   m   p   o   s   s   i   b   l   e ?
P   u   r   e        F   a   n   t   a   s   y ?
F   o   o   l   i   s   h   n   e   s   s ?

Seriously, you can’t put any ingredients in a Capsule that could guarantee

E      V      E      R      L      A      S      T      I      N      G

L i f e    C H A N G E S,  r i g h t?

Hmmmm, maybe if we had enough money?
Hmmmm, maybe if we never got sick?
Hmmmm, maybe if we were in the right relationship?
Hmmmm, maybe if.        .        .

Wow—this is no small thing

I      M      A      G      I      N      E

that’s what you’re doing right now,

aren’t you?

What’s the

E  N  C  A  P  S  U  L   A   T   E   D       S   E   C   R   E   T ?

You do understand, everyone has an opinion.      .      .
You do understand, there’s been plenty of studies.      .      .
You do understand,


spend Ga-Zillions betting you’ll be looking for the

NEXT    GUARANTEED    BIG    T H I N G.       .       .

“WANTS are almost insatiable,” claimed President Herbert Hoover’s report on the economy, published, literally just months before the 1929 Crash. “One want satisfied makes way for another.      .      .blah, blah, blah, B L A H!”  


What’s the one thing that makes you  H A P P Y?

I’ve come to understand,


I’m the most happiest when I’m making others the happiest.        .        .

Maybe it’s because I’ve seen it

M    O    D    E    L    E    D

for me countless times over

the past twenty-plus years of doing Hospice Care.     .     .

I sometimes feel like I’m working in a Comedy Club.       .       .

Some of the   H A P P I E S T   people

I’ve ever been around

are those who have had incredible life-ending, terminal diseases

who have shown me now that there lives are coming

NOT     TO    AN    END

but to a  N  E  W  N  E  S  S

not many ever Begin or ever Experience.       .       .

I’m the most happiest when I’m making others the happiest.       .       .

After making my Extra Shot Breve Latte at Starbucks,

she asked me how I was?

Better walking out than walking in,” I said.

She laughed, smiled and said, “Well, I’m glad.”

I asked it straight out,

“ARE      YOU      HAPPY?”

She smiled back and said,

“Yeah. . .yeah, when people like you come in and make us HAPPY!”

P        A        Y        D        A        Y

Now.        .       .

it’s not enough to put that in a capsule,

bottle it,

market it.        .        .

You’ve got to swallow IT.          .        .

check that.          .          .

IF IT’S INSIDE OF YOU.        .        .

it never leaves and more—

it’s not only everlasting/ever life-changing.          .          .

but it’s severely contagious.          .          .

C     A     T     C     H           I     T

Oooooooooops.         .         .

There is

N  O        C  U  R  E  !

I  T ‘  S         T  E  R  M  I  N  A  L

(But ohhhhhhhh, how you’ll be   h e a l e d !)

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