The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Sat, 09 Dec 2017 14:35:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 A Universal Language Mon, 11 Dec 2017 12:00:38 +0000

I’m a severe sucker for


movies.        .      .

if it can make your eyes water

if it can make your lip quiver

if it can make your heart beat differently

if it can make you want to grab for a nearby hand

then   Y  E  S

I’m I N

.         .       .especially if it’s a Christmas movie

and YES.         .       .

I’ll watch them anytime of the year

but especially now

as the temperatures dip

the calendar pages are turning

and we’re literally in the midst of

H  O  L  I  D  A  Y       C  E  L  E  B  R  A  T  I  O  N  S

I reflect on one of my favorite scenes from the remake of

THE    MIRACLE    ON    34th   STREET

I don’t think you have to wonder

W               H               Y

after seeing the short clip

of Santa signing to a beautiful little deaf girl

and the message is

well.       .       .


I butcher the English language

and me taking two years of German in college

(so that I didn’t have to take any Math Classes)

didn’t help me much sprechen zie Deutsch

but we never get THIS language wrong

in fact, we all speak it impeccably


.         .         , here’s to us all making it

a more effective

a more consistent

a more efficient

a more universal 

l         a         n         g         u         a         g         e

more of the time

especially past the holiday’s.       .       .

.         .        .When we come to realize THAT.           .           .

The Caring Catalyst 

In Each of US

will know that the real

H  O  L  I  D  A  Y       C  E  L  E  B  R  A  T  I  O  N  S

are just beginning

and better still—

N   E   V   E   R   E   N   D   I   N   G

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