The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Fri, 14 Oct 2016 01:28:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 What You Do Mon, 17 Oct 2016 11:00:18 +0000

How many times have you been asked?

How many times have you asked it of yourself?

How many times have you actually answered it?

How many times have you dared to

L     I     V     E

 I     T   ?

If money were truly NO object.      .      .

What would you do?

Are you Living the life of your dreams

or the life that just feeds a bank account,

a pension, a 401K account,

a mortgage payment,

a water/gas/electric/cable bill,

a   s t o m a c h ?

Do you even believe it?

Doing what you truly love

means that the money will actually follow.       .       .

How many people do you know,

r i g h t  n o w ,

at this moment,

that are actually  l    i    v    i    n    g

the   life   of   their   dreams?

Are   you?

What ultimately keeps you back,

fear of failing,

fear of success,

fear of going bankruptcy,

fear of embarrassment

that others might heap upon you?

If money were no object.       .       .

If failure wasn’t in fact an option.        .        .

Would you.       .       .

would you live the life of your dreams?


How do you know what

T         H         A         T

actually is?

It’s been theorized

that the graduates of 2016

will not have five jobs.     .     .

they will have

S       I       X

C  A  R  E  E  R  S



Don’t ever subtract your very self to just

A     P  u  r  p  o  s  e
A     M  e  a  n  i  n  g
A     R  e  a  s  o  n
A     D  e  s  t  i  n  y

You   are

P    L    U    R    A    L

not Singular.      .      .

You are NOT just a Success or a Failure.        .        .

You are a succession

of   both

and so many other things

in between those two poles.      .      .

You will never be inspired

to be a Musician

if you are a true Painter,

an Accountant

if you are a Mechanic,

a Teacher

if you are a Rocket Scientist.       .       .

You are    P     L     U     R     A     L

never    Singular; 

Go ahead PICK ONE       .       .

even if it means turning the page.     .     .

or Beginning a new Chapter.     .     .

Starting a new Book.     .     .

or completely shredding it

and writing a new one

with some-not-so-blank

p a p e r

and an inkless  pen.       .       .

It’s   Y O U !

And you.        .         .

You are always worth betting on;

If you can bet,

go    all    in    on    y o u r s e l f.         .          .

A n y     w h i c h     o n e     y   o   u.       .       .

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