The Caring Catalyst Who Cares - What Matters Tue, 28 Feb 2017 01:28:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 52309807 The Glass That Doesn’t B R E A K Mon, 06 Mar 2017 12:00:55 +0000

Are   your   Endings

truly   your   Beginnings.     .     .     ?

It feels like an easy answer, doesn’t it?

Maybe this is what really makes us

H           U          M          A          N  ?

These ominous endings and beginnings. . .

these bend-over-laugh-till-you-throw-up-moments

and the I-can’t-stop-crying-instances;

Maybe it’s our insatiable curiosity

or our impending doom gloominess. . .

What makes us

H          U          M           A           N  ?

What makes you distinctively


Your laugh.     .     .

Your sigh.     .     .

Your moods.     .     .

Your smile.     .     .

Your tears.     .     .

Your compassion.     .     .

Your empathy.     .     .

Your eyes.     .     .

Your facial features.     .     .

Your ability to question.     .     .

Your ability to answer.     .     .

what.          .          .what.          .          .w h a t.          .          .

makes          y     o     u           h u m a n ?

It’s enough to shatter your pretty glass, isn’t it?

Well in a World of

u n s u r e d n e s s 

here’s some fragile trustworthiness:

Your Glass may be shattered. . .but never broken

It’s   your

f      i      l      l      a      b       i      l      i      t      y

that’ll  make  sure  your  glass  is  never  fully  empty

a     n     d

by  the  way.          .          .

ohhhhhh      what     a     beautiful     g l a s s 

Raise it up high

y    o     u

are   a  

T              o              a              s              t    

well   worth   being   made



S        A        L        U        T        E

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